Ad-Dulayl Industrial Park & Real Estate Co. (IDMC) Market Share in Jordan

Statistics of the Export Market at our Industrial Areas:

Ad-Dulayl Industrial Park & Real Estate Co. constitute of the below in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: *
- 455 million JOD in leather and knitted industries exports,
- 6% of the total exports in Jordan.

* Source: Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI) and Zarqa Chamber of Industry (ZCI), Data from January to December 2023

Statistics of the Labor Market at our Industrial Areas:

Our investors and clients have more than 22,796 employees at Ad-Dulayl Industrial Park & Real Estate Co. premises: *
- 27% of the total workforce is a Jordanian national,
- 76% of the total workforce are females, and
- about 1% of the workforce have disabilities.

* Source: Jordanian Ministry of Labor (MoL), Data as of December 2023
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Ad-Dulayl Industrial Park & Real Estate (IDMC) Headquarters
11 Al-Sharif Al-Hussein Bin Ali Street, Fourth Floor
P.O. Box 5656, Jabal Amman 11183, Jordan
Ad-Dulayl Industrial Park & Development Zone Offices
Salah Al-Din Street
Dhlail, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 4645416 
Fax: +962 6 4625701
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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